Sunday, September 26, 2010

Soliex; Past

Xamy style. xD

There was once a small hospital in a small part of Cruxia. Magic has been banned there so they need to train people to fight. There was a group of magistars* who refused to follow the law in Cruxia; the law that banned magic. They need to recruit memembers to over throw the goverment. Since adults are to stubborn to join them their only hope were kids. They went to that very hospital and take the children away, raising them to be elite magistars*; in secreat that is.

 Soliex was one of those children. Ever since she remembered, she had been trained to use magic. She has no clue that this is going against the nations laws. She always thought of this as normal, as everyone should know magic, she never knew until that day. At the age of 14 their camp got discovered. That's when Soliex found out the truth, the darkness of this nation. The entire camp got slaughtered, everyonne but 3 survived. The leader of the squad and Soliex were the only 2 surviors left. The leader who was heavily injurned told Soliex some spells; spells that would heal her. He warned her not to waste her magic on him; but to save herself. He warned her, "The greater the light, the greater the darkness. You'll be the light and I'll be the darkness." Soliex was still young and didn't understand the meaning behind those words. They barely got away and the 2 went into hiding; still learning magic.

In the 2 years they spent in hiding, Soliex learned more complex spells and discovered that she was a very talented Aireian. When she was 17, she finally learned the meaning of what the leader said that day. She had only went out to fetch some water but never expected to find out the true meaning. In their hideout, bloodshed was all that she could see. Bodies everywhere, weapons covered in blood dangling; it was pure darkness. Soliex quickly ran to her leader's room what she saw made her skip a heartbeat. Her leader lies dead in his chair, beside him a couple of other corpes. On his table lies a letter, written to Soliex.

You are the light for our people. You need not to live this way. Be free and shine your light for everyone to see. Find a place where you can be you and forget about me. I am the darkness for your light, that is that and nothing more.

 Thank you, Soliex.'

After reading that letter, Soliex learned the truth about this world she lives him. Her hate for the truth grew strong, but knew nothing could be done about it. So instead of fighting back, she waited for her chance. And her chance came, she bumped into Ruth one day. Ruth instantly sensed Soliex's skill and recruited her to be a teacher at DvA.

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