Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Feris Ayatondas: Past

   Feris Ayatondas is the third son of Tioz Ayatondas and Rineas Neriel. They lived in the Zydaria area, one of the strongest magic areas. The Ayatondas was known as the strongest Lyrixans in Zydaria. Rumour has it, that the first Ayatondas challenaged the first Diavangeus to a duel.

   The name Ayatondas means "Ice blue fate", and Feris means "Cursed". Shortly after Feris was born, his mother passed away. Only his grandfather blamed Feris for his mother's death, thus named him "Feris". The rest of his family told him him wasn't but deep down inside Feris was afraid of the truth so he believed in the lies.

 Everything in Zydaria was at peace thanks to the Diavangeus, everything was at peace until the darkness broke out again. There was this one *Helvectian which no one could stop. It was untouchable, unbreakable and unstoppable.

    After a loooong epic battle, the *Helvectian was winning. It took out the entire famous Ayatondas family, all but one; all but Feris. Feris, being only 17 and afraid of the situation, he preformed the forriben seal. Estia Helvectia, bound with darkness, this seal captures the Helvectian and seals it inside the user. The Helvetian instantly frozed, and then it let out the most painful cry anyone has heard, slowly going into Feris. Feris echoed the scream, the giant Helvectian's powers were being forced inside of him. The Helectian slowly dissapears into Feris, and there was a moement of silence. Feris still in daze and shock the the seal, looked around the once grand and great Zydaria. He can't see what's so grand and great anymore. Everything around him was destoryed, every home, every building; everything. He heard a distance cry, and cry for help and ran to the source. There was a young boy who was stuck under a what use to be a wall. As Feris quickly run to aide the child, he heard voices in his head. Voices so loud, it made him shake.
The voice in head won't stop, in fact it was getting louder. 


  Feris was on his knees now, the voice in his head was driving him crazy, he looked up to the see the little boy still crying. He struggled to move towards him but the voice stopped him. Then there was a crackle and a boom; the crying stopped. A burning wall had collasped and fallen onto the boy. Feris froze, the voiced froze; time frozed.

He couldn't save him, he couldn't save anyone. Not his mom, not his family, and now not even this little boy.The voice was laughing now, laughing and laughing.

"SHUT UP!" Feris shouted.


Fleeing from his old home, Feris ran to the countryside of Zydaria. There wasn't a single soul in this area, and this is where Feris sealed himself away deep within a forest. So he couldn't hurt anyone anymore.

5 Years Later

    Ruth Sophronia, the current Diavangeus was exploring the Zydaria and has gotten lost. She wasn't really expecting anything, just some signs maybe. As she wandered past a forest, she felt a presence of a Helvectian. Slightly interested she went inside to find the source of this presence. When she found the source, she was surprised to see it was coming from a human who had sealed themself in. Ruth figured it was just a stupid mistake and broke the seal.

"Hey you. Wake up, I'm lost and I need help."

 Feris heard a voice, after 5 years alone and locked away he had sealed away his past emotions and feelings. Still in daze he looked up to see who was talking to him.

"Hey duuur."

Feris blinked, someone has removed his seal. He's with a real person now, the memories came flashing back, and the voices followed closely.

Ruth sensed panic in the mysterious young man. Pointing a single finger at him, Ruth whispered.

"Ela Estia Helectia, Sezeula." (Closed bound with darkness, seal)

A flash of bright light emitted from her hand and bands of lighyt wrapped around Feris.
The voices in Feris's head slowly faded away, and eventully stopped. He looked up at his savior.


Ruth shurgged, and started to walk away.Feris got up and followed her.

"M'am, you're walking the wrong way."

Ruth stopped and looked at him.


And that was how the 2 met. No thanks were exchanged on that day, no introductions, nothing. It seemed like they already knew everything. 8D  Sense I no make.

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