Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Same Forgotten Past

o U o thing and thing. I mean, Feris and Shiori. It's a hatelove thing 8D

Shiori stood there fuming as she watched Feris casually walk away. It was the 8th time that that stupid, long haired, one eyed freak called her a kid. Shiori hates being looked down at, especially by strangers.
Shiori fired a bullet which barely grazed Feris’s face. Feris stopped walking but didn’t turn around.
“Don’t. Call. Me. A. Kid.” Shiori said coldly.
“Feris, I challenge you to a spar. If I win, you can’t call me a kid. If I lose, that’s only if I lose. You can call me kid.”
Feris turned around and started to walk towards her.
“Sound great, but let’s not fight here. I don’t think Bawny would like to clean up our mess, let’s go here.”
Before Shiori could react, Feris had placed a hand on her shoulder and muttered a quick spell. A flash of bright light surrounded them the sound of distant bell chimes could be heard. When the light disappeared, they were in a field of pure white flowers.
“Where are we?” Shiori said in awe. Feris shrugged as he started to take off his jacket.
“Doesn’t really matter where we are, does it now, kid? A spar is a spar. Now do you still want to fight or not kid?”
3 continuously fired bullets aimed for Feris’s head was shot, but Feris was quick and ducked down to dodge it.
“I SAID NOT TO CALL ME A KID!” Shiori shouted and bolts of lightning shot out of her hands and were flying towards Feris.
The lighting struck Feris dead on and smoke filled the air. The flowers around them turned slightly red as the smoke passed it.
“Ha, who’s the kid now?” Shiori said slightly out of breath.
“You still are, kid.” Feris said standing behind her, his illusions really came in handy that time. Shiori spun around fired again and missed.
“Don’t use your illusions, that’s playing dirty; I want a fair fight!”
She shouted in frustration. Feris scratched his head and shrugged.
“Alright, whatever you said kid.”
Right after the word kid left his mouth and into Shiori’s ears, she ran up to Feris lightning speed and started to attack him.  Before Feris could react, Shiori was already firing punches, jabs, uppercuts, headshots and even knee kicks in the stomach. Feris just stood there and was being beaten to a pulp, but he noticed with ever hit the flowers got darker.  Shiori ended the attack with a tornado kick and sent Feris flying 3 metres.  Feris stated down, not moving at all. Shiori was really out of breath now; she has unleashed all her fury and frustration on Feris and clearly was the winner of this spar. The question was did Shiori go too far? Just when Shiori started to get a bit concerned for Feris, he got up and started to brush off the dirt and dust from the floor.
“Owww, those attacks really kind of hurt. Well, I guess I really can’t beat a Validen in sparring. Not bad for a girl. Not bad at all.” Feris said as he started to do some stretches; there no signs of serious damage on him even after all those attacks.  Tired and frustrated, Shiori clenched her fists and shouted with all her might.
With those words the fields of flowers turned from blood red to pitch black. A large gust of wind swept across the entire field, causing the petals to swirl. It was only a split second, but it seemed like a slow motion scene in Shiori’s eyes. She saw Feris walking, no, more like he was disappearing and reappearing. She could see his mouth move but wasn’t able to make out any of the words.  Feris now was right in front of her and Shiori wasn’t able to move. Once again she saw his mouth move, but this time she could read what he said.
“I’m sorry, but there is some things I wish to know whether you like it or not.”
 As soon as he said that, Feris opened both his eyes to reveal a seal on one of them. The seal on his eye glowed with the bracer on his arm and his hand touched Shiori’s forehead. That touch made glowed and light shown from it like a movie being projected. What was shown was Shiori’s past. Her mom, her dad, her family; everyone was smiling. Then they saw the bloody morning scene with the deaths of her family and the killer.  The smile of the killer, the sly grin, the sickly smirk; despise and hate glowed from it. The memory faded and the wind around them stopped. Feris stepped back a bit and said nothing. Shiori didn’t want to say anything, she desperately didn’t want to remember that morning; it was all just a bad nightmare.  What broke the silence was the distant sounds of bells and then Feris’s soft voice.
“..I’m sorry for you lost. I completely understand… if you’re having any troubles you can feel free to talk to me.”
Shiori started to shake, the tears she try to hold back for so long were streamed out as she shouted back at Feris.
“What would you know?! How could’ve you understand?! My mom died when I was a baby, my father was killed in front of my face and I can’t go back to my home. How could you possibly know what I’m feeling right now? You wouldn’t know how it feels like unless you tried it!”
There was a silence; the only sound was Shiori’s quiet sniffles.
“Would you believe if I said I have tried? My mother died when I was a baby, my entire family was killed in front of my face, I couldn’t save my village and I don’t even know if I’m human anymore. Do you think I would know how you’re feeling right now?”
Feris whispered softly, avoiding eye contact. Shiori looked up in surprise; she could see a tear in Feris’s eye. Feris looked up at the sky, which had only a single cloud. He looked down at the field of flowers which were no longer black but were light yellow glowing with happiness. Feris smiled.
“We both have a past which we wish to forget. Memories are an important thing, don’t let them hold you down, but let them push you forward. This field is called Fleurai Spyraitos, the spirit’s flower. It shows how you feel about your past, your future and you’re present. To see it you’re able to let go of the past and move one.”
Feris picked up a flower and gently placed it on Shiori’s hair. Shiori blushed a bit and looked away.
“What does that mean for me then?”
Feris said as he placed a hand on her shoulder.
“It means you’re ready to move on. You are Shiori Casey Laitano, and you’re strong enough to tackle anything and anyone in your future. Guess you really aren’t a kid.”
Shiori looked up and smirked at him; in return Feris slightly rolled his eyes and said.
“Shall we head back now ,miss?”

Feris: So…can I call you princess?
Shiori: -twitch- Say what?
Feris: I take that as a no?
Shiori: ….-loads gun-
Feris: Ohnoez.
Shiori: Ohyes.

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