Sunday, September 26, 2010

Soliex; Past

Xamy style. xD

There was once a small hospital in a small part of Cruxia. Magic has been banned there so they need to train people to fight. There was a group of magistars* who refused to follow the law in Cruxia; the law that banned magic. They need to recruit memembers to over throw the goverment. Since adults are to stubborn to join them their only hope were kids. They went to that very hospital and take the children away, raising them to be elite magistars*; in secreat that is.

 Soliex was one of those children. Ever since she remembered, she had been trained to use magic. She has no clue that this is going against the nations laws. She always thought of this as normal, as everyone should know magic, she never knew until that day. At the age of 14 their camp got discovered. That's when Soliex found out the truth, the darkness of this nation. The entire camp got slaughtered, everyonne but 3 survived. The leader of the squad and Soliex were the only 2 surviors left. The leader who was heavily injurned told Soliex some spells; spells that would heal her. He warned her not to waste her magic on him; but to save herself. He warned her, "The greater the light, the greater the darkness. You'll be the light and I'll be the darkness." Soliex was still young and didn't understand the meaning behind those words. They barely got away and the 2 went into hiding; still learning magic.

In the 2 years they spent in hiding, Soliex learned more complex spells and discovered that she was a very talented Aireian. When she was 17, she finally learned the meaning of what the leader said that day. She had only went out to fetch some water but never expected to find out the true meaning. In their hideout, bloodshed was all that she could see. Bodies everywhere, weapons covered in blood dangling; it was pure darkness. Soliex quickly ran to her leader's room what she saw made her skip a heartbeat. Her leader lies dead in his chair, beside him a couple of other corpes. On his table lies a letter, written to Soliex.

You are the light for our people. You need not to live this way. Be free and shine your light for everyone to see. Find a place where you can be you and forget about me. I am the darkness for your light, that is that and nothing more.

 Thank you, Soliex.'

After reading that letter, Soliex learned the truth about this world she lives him. Her hate for the truth grew strong, but knew nothing could be done about it. So instead of fighting back, she waited for her chance. And her chance came, she bumped into Ruth one day. Ruth instantly sensed Soliex's skill and recruited her to be a teacher at DvA.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Same Forgotten Past

o U o thing and thing. I mean, Feris and Shiori. It's a hatelove thing 8D

Shiori stood there fuming as she watched Feris casually walk away. It was the 8th time that that stupid, long haired, one eyed freak called her a kid. Shiori hates being looked down at, especially by strangers.
Shiori fired a bullet which barely grazed Feris’s face. Feris stopped walking but didn’t turn around.
“Don’t. Call. Me. A. Kid.” Shiori said coldly.
“Feris, I challenge you to a spar. If I win, you can’t call me a kid. If I lose, that’s only if I lose. You can call me kid.”
Feris turned around and started to walk towards her.
“Sound great, but let’s not fight here. I don’t think Bawny would like to clean up our mess, let’s go here.”
Before Shiori could react, Feris had placed a hand on her shoulder and muttered a quick spell. A flash of bright light surrounded them the sound of distant bell chimes could be heard. When the light disappeared, they were in a field of pure white flowers.
“Where are we?” Shiori said in awe. Feris shrugged as he started to take off his jacket.
“Doesn’t really matter where we are, does it now, kid? A spar is a spar. Now do you still want to fight or not kid?”
3 continuously fired bullets aimed for Feris’s head was shot, but Feris was quick and ducked down to dodge it.
“I SAID NOT TO CALL ME A KID!” Shiori shouted and bolts of lightning shot out of her hands and were flying towards Feris.
The lighting struck Feris dead on and smoke filled the air. The flowers around them turned slightly red as the smoke passed it.
“Ha, who’s the kid now?” Shiori said slightly out of breath.
“You still are, kid.” Feris said standing behind her, his illusions really came in handy that time. Shiori spun around fired again and missed.
“Don’t use your illusions, that’s playing dirty; I want a fair fight!”
She shouted in frustration. Feris scratched his head and shrugged.
“Alright, whatever you said kid.”
Right after the word kid left his mouth and into Shiori’s ears, she ran up to Feris lightning speed and started to attack him.  Before Feris could react, Shiori was already firing punches, jabs, uppercuts, headshots and even knee kicks in the stomach. Feris just stood there and was being beaten to a pulp, but he noticed with ever hit the flowers got darker.  Shiori ended the attack with a tornado kick and sent Feris flying 3 metres.  Feris stated down, not moving at all. Shiori was really out of breath now; she has unleashed all her fury and frustration on Feris and clearly was the winner of this spar. The question was did Shiori go too far? Just when Shiori started to get a bit concerned for Feris, he got up and started to brush off the dirt and dust from the floor.
“Owww, those attacks really kind of hurt. Well, I guess I really can’t beat a Validen in sparring. Not bad for a girl. Not bad at all.” Feris said as he started to do some stretches; there no signs of serious damage on him even after all those attacks.  Tired and frustrated, Shiori clenched her fists and shouted with all her might.
With those words the fields of flowers turned from blood red to pitch black. A large gust of wind swept across the entire field, causing the petals to swirl. It was only a split second, but it seemed like a slow motion scene in Shiori’s eyes. She saw Feris walking, no, more like he was disappearing and reappearing. She could see his mouth move but wasn’t able to make out any of the words.  Feris now was right in front of her and Shiori wasn’t able to move. Once again she saw his mouth move, but this time she could read what he said.
“I’m sorry, but there is some things I wish to know whether you like it or not.”
 As soon as he said that, Feris opened both his eyes to reveal a seal on one of them. The seal on his eye glowed with the bracer on his arm and his hand touched Shiori’s forehead. That touch made glowed and light shown from it like a movie being projected. What was shown was Shiori’s past. Her mom, her dad, her family; everyone was smiling. Then they saw the bloody morning scene with the deaths of her family and the killer.  The smile of the killer, the sly grin, the sickly smirk; despise and hate glowed from it. The memory faded and the wind around them stopped. Feris stepped back a bit and said nothing. Shiori didn’t want to say anything, she desperately didn’t want to remember that morning; it was all just a bad nightmare.  What broke the silence was the distant sounds of bells and then Feris’s soft voice.
“..I’m sorry for you lost. I completely understand… if you’re having any troubles you can feel free to talk to me.”
Shiori started to shake, the tears she try to hold back for so long were streamed out as she shouted back at Feris.
“What would you know?! How could’ve you understand?! My mom died when I was a baby, my father was killed in front of my face and I can’t go back to my home. How could you possibly know what I’m feeling right now? You wouldn’t know how it feels like unless you tried it!”
There was a silence; the only sound was Shiori’s quiet sniffles.
“Would you believe if I said I have tried? My mother died when I was a baby, my entire family was killed in front of my face, I couldn’t save my village and I don’t even know if I’m human anymore. Do you think I would know how you’re feeling right now?”
Feris whispered softly, avoiding eye contact. Shiori looked up in surprise; she could see a tear in Feris’s eye. Feris looked up at the sky, which had only a single cloud. He looked down at the field of flowers which were no longer black but were light yellow glowing with happiness. Feris smiled.
“We both have a past which we wish to forget. Memories are an important thing, don’t let them hold you down, but let them push you forward. This field is called Fleurai Spyraitos, the spirit’s flower. It shows how you feel about your past, your future and you’re present. To see it you’re able to let go of the past and move one.”
Feris picked up a flower and gently placed it on Shiori’s hair. Shiori blushed a bit and looked away.
“What does that mean for me then?”
Feris said as he placed a hand on her shoulder.
“It means you’re ready to move on. You are Shiori Casey Laitano, and you’re strong enough to tackle anything and anyone in your future. Guess you really aren’t a kid.”
Shiori looked up and smirked at him; in return Feris slightly rolled his eyes and said.
“Shall we head back now ,miss?”

Feris: So…can I call you princess?
Shiori: -twitch- Say what?
Feris: I take that as a no?
Shiori: ….-loads gun-
Feris: Ohnoez.
Shiori: Ohyes.

Monday, September 20, 2010

It's what her face 8D

It's ....Rineas Nerial (Feris's momma)
...rushed coloured xD

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Feris Ayatondas: Past

   Feris Ayatondas is the third son of Tioz Ayatondas and Rineas Neriel. They lived in the Zydaria area, one of the strongest magic areas. The Ayatondas was known as the strongest Lyrixans in Zydaria. Rumour has it, that the first Ayatondas challenaged the first Diavangeus to a duel.

   The name Ayatondas means "Ice blue fate", and Feris means "Cursed". Shortly after Feris was born, his mother passed away. Only his grandfather blamed Feris for his mother's death, thus named him "Feris". The rest of his family told him him wasn't but deep down inside Feris was afraid of the truth so he believed in the lies.

 Everything in Zydaria was at peace thanks to the Diavangeus, everything was at peace until the darkness broke out again. There was this one *Helvectian which no one could stop. It was untouchable, unbreakable and unstoppable.

    After a loooong epic battle, the *Helvectian was winning. It took out the entire famous Ayatondas family, all but one; all but Feris. Feris, being only 17 and afraid of the situation, he preformed the forriben seal. Estia Helvectia, bound with darkness, this seal captures the Helvectian and seals it inside the user. The Helvetian instantly frozed, and then it let out the most painful cry anyone has heard, slowly going into Feris. Feris echoed the scream, the giant Helvectian's powers were being forced inside of him. The Helectian slowly dissapears into Feris, and there was a moement of silence. Feris still in daze and shock the the seal, looked around the once grand and great Zydaria. He can't see what's so grand and great anymore. Everything around him was destoryed, every home, every building; everything. He heard a distance cry, and cry for help and ran to the source. There was a young boy who was stuck under a what use to be a wall. As Feris quickly run to aide the child, he heard voices in his head. Voices so loud, it made him shake.
The voice in head won't stop, in fact it was getting louder. 


  Feris was on his knees now, the voice in his head was driving him crazy, he looked up to the see the little boy still crying. He struggled to move towards him but the voice stopped him. Then there was a crackle and a boom; the crying stopped. A burning wall had collasped and fallen onto the boy. Feris froze, the voiced froze; time frozed.

He couldn't save him, he couldn't save anyone. Not his mom, not his family, and now not even this little boy.The voice was laughing now, laughing and laughing.

"SHUT UP!" Feris shouted.


Fleeing from his old home, Feris ran to the countryside of Zydaria. There wasn't a single soul in this area, and this is where Feris sealed himself away deep within a forest. So he couldn't hurt anyone anymore.

5 Years Later

    Ruth Sophronia, the current Diavangeus was exploring the Zydaria and has gotten lost. She wasn't really expecting anything, just some signs maybe. As she wandered past a forest, she felt a presence of a Helvectian. Slightly interested she went inside to find the source of this presence. When she found the source, she was surprised to see it was coming from a human who had sealed themself in. Ruth figured it was just a stupid mistake and broke the seal.

"Hey you. Wake up, I'm lost and I need help."

 Feris heard a voice, after 5 years alone and locked away he had sealed away his past emotions and feelings. Still in daze he looked up to see who was talking to him.

"Hey duuur."

Feris blinked, someone has removed his seal. He's with a real person now, the memories came flashing back, and the voices followed closely.

Ruth sensed panic in the mysterious young man. Pointing a single finger at him, Ruth whispered.

"Ela Estia Helectia, Sezeula." (Closed bound with darkness, seal)

A flash of bright light emitted from her hand and bands of lighyt wrapped around Feris.
The voices in Feris's head slowly faded away, and eventully stopped. He looked up at his savior.


Ruth shurgged, and started to walk away.Feris got up and followed her.

"M'am, you're walking the wrong way."

Ruth stopped and looked at him.


And that was how the 2 met. No thanks were exchanged on that day, no introductions, nothing. It seemed like they already knew everything. 8D  Sense I no make.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Story Time 8D ( To wash out all the emo-ness)

o U o
First post with a blog, is an emo story. Joy xD This storylike thing was written when I felt kinda emo and drama influenced. (Thus is why I should never watch them)
Kinda confusing, written in the persons perceptive..kinda like them talking to themselves..: 'D

If I had told you everything, could we have avoided this tragedy?

       I wonder when did it all started, do you know? When was it did I started to feel this way? Was it when you began to drift apart from me? Was it when you stopped telling me everything? Was it when I started asking myself these questions? I ask myself sometimes, do you notice how I feel? Do you notice how I force myself to be happy in front of you? Of course you don’t, because to you, I am always happy. But do you really know how I feel inside? Every time you’re apart from me, I’m worried that you’ll never come back. Whenever you laugh with someone else, I feel angry; why aren’t you laughing with me? Whenever you hang out with your new friends, I feel jealous; you don’t need new ones, you have me. Could you have sensed these feelings from me? Of course you couldn’t. Nobody ever knows how I feel on the inside, no one should know, no one would care. What pains me more than seeing you have fun with someone other than me is that how I feel jealous and angry. I don’t understand why, I should be feeling happy for you. Just seeing you happy, should make me happy, but why won’t these tears stop. Are these tears of sadness, jealousy, anger or frustration? Why does one cry? Why do I cry over this?

       I soon realized something, if I realized this sooner, everything should be okay. It wasn’t you who was drifting away, it was me. I have locked myself up in a world which revolves around you; my world is slowly falling apart. You were only doing what was nature for everyone to do. The surroundings don’t change for you, you change for the surroundings. I have learned that, but I can’t comprehend. I don’t like change; change is what causes my world to collapse. Why can’t they all go away? Why can’t you stay? Why am I like this? Why do I think this? You changes for your surroundings, but you are the same you. If you’re the same, then why am I different? You’re going your own way, am I the one who’s going to stay? I don’t know anymore, is there anymore for me to know?

       I’m scared and alone; alone and scared. Someone, please save me, is there anyone who could save me from myself? I can, I can save myself. I ask, are you alone? No, I want to say. No, I am not alone; I have friends. I have friends who would be by my side whenever I feel alone, friends who’ll listen to me when I have a problem, and friends who I can trust. That’s the lying truth. It’s true I have friend, but it’s a lie. They can’t always be by my side, they can’t always listen to me and I can’t always trust them. But can they? Can they always depend on me to be by their side? Can they always ask me to listen to them? Can they trust me? I don’t know. Why don’t I know? Because, the only thing we want to know is always the unknown. Being alone has caused me to be scared; being scared has caused me to be alone. What should I do? I should stop asking questions and figure them out by myself. How? I don’t know.

    I know now. What keeps me on this never ending loop of questions, you. It’s you and them; them and you. That’s all I can ever do; blame. Blame and ask questions. Have I ever stopped to think, it’s not you; it’s me. It’s not them who causes you pain; it’s you who hurts yourself. That is the truth, the living truth and I know it. If I was no longer here, then I no longer need to cause myself pain. Did I caused you pain, did I caused them pain too? I wouldn’t know. Why? That I know. Because I’ve been shellfish and I was always thinking about myself. Did I stopped once and think about how you felt? Did I? I don’t know, I don’t really know. But what I know is, without me, there would no longer me pain. No more tears, no more fights and no more pain. With the darkness gone, there shall be light. Light, that is where I want to go. Light; take me to the light, where there is no more pain.
Good bye.
________________________________________________________ (so long o A o)
.........o v ob