Friday, November 12, 2010

[ D e c k ] Chapter 1

In a flash of light your world went spinning by, scenes of your life zoom past you. Calling this death would be wrong for it’s more like a new beginning. You hear voices calling out your name; screaming, yelling and crying for you. You try to scream but you already know you can’t.
                Why is this happening to you? Because you were choose to play. Why now? It’s  your turn. Where are you going? You already know, don’t you?
                You awake in a dark room somewhere you have never been. You hear mumbles and whines around you; you’re with a group of other people. You arms and legs have been tied up, seems like running away isn’t a choice. Suddenly the door sings open and 2 dark figures walk in. It takes you awhile to adjust to the newly discovered light that’s shiny upon their faces. It was a girl and a boy, both wearing a half white mask. You look closely and see a bright red symbol on their masks; the 2 and 3 of diamonds. They’re both smiling a sly grin as they near the tied up bunch; a wave of whimpers and cries circulated.
“Who the hell are you 2 and what are you planning to do?!” A voice shouted you looked to see who it was. It was a boy about your age, you sighed in pity.
“Are you stupid? I’m the 2 of diamonds. It's rude to ask a lady like that.” The girl snorted, her voice was rather high and annoying.
“And I’m the 3 of diamonds, or shall I say your worst nightmare?” The boy said and fired a gun, which shot the boy; he didn’t say anything after that. The masked girl laughed and laughed, there was a silence when she laughed.
“You bunch of blank cards are at our hideout, don’t get too cozy cause you’ll be going soon.” She said as she raised her gun and loaded it.
The situation now all made sense. We were captured when we entered DECK, it was an easy job because we're newbies. Now they're going to kill us; we're easy prey.
“Welcome to the DECK.” She said as she aimed right at my head. I closed my eyes shut and braced for impact.
I heard the shot but I didn’t feel anything, did she miss? I slowly opened my eyes and was surprised. The bullet didn’t come for her gun; it came from behind and shot the gun out of her hand. The 2 masked diamonds spun around in surprise.
“Who dare shoot at the 2 of diamonds? Are you picking a fight?” Her voice squeaked as she said ‘you’.
There were 2 new players another masked girl and boy. I squinted at their mask as I read their symbols; the Queen and Jack of hearts. The 2 remained silent but continued walking in.
“Hey! I’m talking to you, don’t ignore me.”
The queen didn’t even look at the squawking diamond, she just simply look at us and said with an icy voice that spent chills right to your bones but had such a soothing ring to it.
“Hand over your blank cards and leave.”
I couldn’t help myself but to laugh at the sqauker's reaction, let’s just say I’ve never seen a human face twist that way. She was about to leap on the queen but was stopped by her partner. With the gun still in his hand he spoke with an intimidating voice.
“And what if we don’t? They’re our prey, you have no right to just walk in and take them. You’re not getting anyone without getting through me.”
The queen didn’t seem to be listening at all, she was staring at me; it felt like she was reading my thoughts and fears. I tried to avoid her eye contact but my eyes always darted back to meet her gaze. For a second I thought she smiled but perhaps it was a smirk. The jack muttered something to the queen who shook her head in response. She whispered something to the jack and waved him off with a soft smile on her face. The jack sighed as he shrugged; taking out his gun. Seeing this angered the diamonds. Before both of them could say anything the jack spoke to them, his voice similar to the queen’s made me quiver in fear.
“You annoy me, shut up.” With that the jack fired at the 3 of diamonds, who fell flat. The remaining diamond reminded me of a deer in headlights; wide-eyed and was ready to get hit. Before she could even scream, the jack moved with lightning speed and was in front of her.
“You’re messing with the wrong cards today. Remember this face, for it’ll always hunt you and you can never win.” A blur was all that I could see as the jack moved his arm. Fresh blood splattered all over the wall and half of the jack. A whimper could be heard from her as she slumped down. In one of the jack’s hand holds a dark red object dripping with blood; a heart. The jack looked down at the newly ripped heart with disgust. The queen closed her eyes and smelt the fresh scent of blood in the air.
“No, that’s not the one, dispose of it at once.” She said.
“Gladly.” The jack responded crushing the heart with shattered into a thousand pieces which disappeared into the air.

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