Sunday, October 3, 2010

Zen and Zaizens 8D (To be approved )

This is magic works xD Zai = Mana, Zaizens = Mana users

...To be approved by ole Mighty Head Master. (P.S It's already approved by co-head. xD)

Zai is what we call magic in this world; our world Miryas. Zai runs through this entire world; but only some can control it. Those whom can control zai are called zaizens; those whom have zai born within them. Every Zaizen can specialize in one element of zai. Every element of zai is important, ever element has its benefits and every element has its dangers.  Whenever a zaizen uses zai, they’ll suffer from a recoil hit. Majority of the time it only tires you out for a while but you would recover as soon your zai levels are recharged.
                In the Diavangeus academy, we’ll teach you how to control and master the gift of zai. Whenever you’re using zai; spells or zen circles are needed, sometimes even both. Zen circles are a concentrated amount of zai being used, which appears in a form of a luminous circle. Beginner zaizens are only capable of using one zai element at a time, but as you continue to grow stronger you’ll be able to use more. Elite students are capable of using 3 different elements of zai at once.  


The use of zai differs according to one’s class. Validens infused their zai energy with their weapons to boost up their attack in many ways. For example, if one infused water element zai with a whip, not only your whip would have a physical damage but can also take on the attributes of water; being able to change state at your will. Aireians used their zai energy for protection and healing purposes. Aireians infused their magic with their choice of medium. Mainly wands or staffs, Aireians are able to turn destructive zai energy into energy with the healing touch.  For example, if one infused the null element zai to produce a force field, it would be able to absorb any attack.  Lyrixans use zai energy directly, which is very dangerous. Raw zai energy can damage the body, which is why they use magical gems called Seaki stones to control the flow of energy.  Seaki stones are able to harmonize with user and zai energy so there won’t be an overflow.

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